• We desire relationships because that is how God made us. He created us in His image and put us on earth to enjoy His presence and glorify Him.

    Genesis 1-2; Leviticus 26:12; John 15:1-17

  • God is holy and perfect, and we are not. We have all chosen sin, which is any way we have broken God’s law or rebelled against Him. Because we have sinned against our holy and perfect God, our relationship with Him is broken, and we deserve due punishment for our sin. The punishment for sin is death and separation from God. Both now in this life, and for all of eternity in hell.

    Isaiah 59:2; Romans 3:23, 6:23; Galatians 3:10; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

  • No amount of our good deeds can make up for our sins. It’s like using a patch of fabric to cover up a stain on a t-shirt. Under-neath the fabric, the stain will still exist. We cannot do good things to earn forgiveness from God in the same way a judge will not forgive robbery because the criminal also gave money to charity. God is a holy and perfect Judge who demands holy and perfect justice for our sin. Just as a judge must punish wrongdoing, God must punish us for our sin. The punishment for sin is death and eternal separation from Him.

    Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:20; Ephesians 2:8-9; Genesis 18:25; Proverbs 17:15

  • While God is holy and just, He is also loving and merciful and has provided a way for us to be reconciled to Him. God entered humanity on our behalf as Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life yet took our punishment and died in our place. Through His torturous death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins, bearing the wrath of God for us. His death satisfied God’s demands for justice, and His perfect life satisfied God’s demands for holiness. Three days later, He rose from the dead, proving that all He did and said was true and that He has power over sin and death.

    Luke 24:46-47; Romans 5:8, 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

  • Everyone who repents of their sin, believes in Jesus, and trusts that His sacrifice is enough to cover their sin receives eternal salvation as a free gift—not by our good works or deeds but by God’s grace. Everyone who believes Jesus rose from the dead, and confesses with their mouth that He is Lord will be saved. To the one who believes, their debt will be forgiven and they will spend eternity with God in heaven.

    Romans 10:9-10, 6:23; John 3:16-18; Ephesians 2:8-9, Colossians 2:13-14

  • The moment we trust in Jesus, we enter into an unbreakable relationship with God that begins immediately and lasts into eternity. Miraculously, God gives us His Spirit so that we have power over sin and can live a life of righteousness and love for God.

    John 10:10, 10:28; Ephesians 1:13-14; 2 Timothy 1:7-10; Romans 8:1-39



  • If you believe this message and want to put your faith in Jesus, the best place to start is prayer and acknowledging these six truths to God. Scripture shows us that we are able to pray and talk with God, just like we may talk with a friend or father. (See Matthew 6:9-13, 11:28-30; and 1 Peter 5:6-7)

    Acknowledge and repent of your sin to God. Repentance simply means turning from our own way, doing a complete 180, and instead following God’s way. Not just with words, but through our actions as well. Genuine recognition and repentance of your sin will lead to genuine sorrow, and a hatred for your sin. Acknowledge your need for a Savior, and that you believe Jesus died and rose from the dead to offer you forgiveness for your sin and that He is now your Savior!

    Thank God for His forgiveness! Genuine repentance and salvation will cause us to rejoice and desire to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Jesus must be our Savior AND Lord. We can’t only want His forgiveness, and reject Him as Lord of our lives. God calls us to leave our life of sin and selfishness, and instead live for Him. Scripture goes so far as to say that we are a new creation, before salvation we're dead, but now we are alive!

    From this day forward God invites you to spend time each day to pray, focus on Him and read His word. If you don’t have a bible, or want help in learning how to walk with Christ, please fill out the form in the next step and we will reach out to you.

  • Our desire as a church is that every person would know the Gospel and respond by committing their lives to Christ and trusting Him as their Lord and Savior.

    We also want to do all that we can to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus. If you fill out THIS FORM we will make sure someone from our church reaches out to you to help you in growing in this relationship with Christ that starts now and lasts forever!

  • It’s important to be around other believers who can help you in your walk with Christ. As a church we meet weekly in what we call Lifegroups.

    From the very beginning when Jesus established His church we see the believers joining together to grow in their faith and to live out the mission Jesus left for them. (Acts 2:42-47)

    Lifegroup is the place for us to do the same — where we experience authentic community and learn to grow as disciples of Jesus through intentional investment in each other’s lives and by reaching out to others.

    Lifegroups meet in homes throughout the city during the week, and one specific college Lifegroup meets on campus. We have Lifegroups for college students, young adults, and families. Although every group has its own style and flow, you can expect each week to start with a time of fellowship followed by worship, biblically-based teaching and discussion about how we can relate it to our lives.

    Click the following link to find out more about when and where our Lifegroups meet: Join a Lifegroup today!

  • Our Sunday Service is a time that we gather as a whole church family to celebrate, encounter God through worship, and get inspired to love God and love one another. We believe when we come together as a church, both on Sunday and throughout the week in our Lifegroups and discipleship, God will use us to change the world.

    The Service begins at 10:30am, so come early to meet other members and enjoy refreshments. We meet at Oviedo High School, 601 King Sreet. Because we want to encourage both new and deeper relationships, we take additional time after announcements to meet and welcome one another.

    Everyone is welcome in our journey of loving God and pursuing what He has for us. A typical Sunday service lasts about two hours. Our services consist of a time of worship and Biblically-sound, relatable teachings, as well as an opportunity to receive ministry and prayer. When you join us, feel free to come just as you are.

    If you would like to know more about our church, what we believe, or how to get further involved please visit our website homepage.