Monday Night Evangelism
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
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Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
You're invited to Antioch's 5th Annual Holiday Market! Join us for a festive Farmer's Market-style event featuring vendors showcasing their handmade gifts and delicious food.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
Join us for the one day a year where people come to us for evangelism, rather than us going out to them! We will organize by lifegroups and set up on our driveways with s’mores! We love to take time to get to know our neighbors, share the gospel, and grow in fellowship with our lifegroup!
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
As a church, we want to live out the charge Jesus gives in Acts 1:8, to be Christ's witnesses from our own city to the ends of the earth, and everywhere in between. We encourage you to join us this October as we reach out to our city with the vision of “Prayer, Care, and Share”!
This Membership Class is for anyone who has filled out the membership form online and gone through the interview process. If you are interested in becoming a member, we encourage you to fill out this form online and one of our elders will reach out to you!
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
We will be coming together for a night of prayer and worship! We will gather at the Alvarez's home to fellowship, prayer for one another, worship, and pray for things that are on our hearts. We want to be in the presence of the Lord and to contend for things together as a family! All are welcome.
This summer we will be taking our church overseas to both Colombia and Portugal! Our heart is that we would be faithful to share the gospel here in our backyard (Oviedo/Orlando) as well as to the ends of the earth (the nations)!
If you are interested in joining on one of these trips, please visit the missions page here.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
Our college ministry is headed to Tampa again for this year's Spring Break Mission Trip!
Awaken Tampa will be an incredible opportunity for every student to grow in their relationship with Jesus, in their friendships with others in our ministry, in their confidence in evangelism and even in having greater vision for a life of following Jesus as they come back to Orlando.
We’re excited to have our first mission trip training for this summer! This is for everyone going on ANY of the summer mission trips (Colombia Impact Teams, Portugal Impact Teams, Portugal Base Team). Lunch will be provided!
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We are having a 4 week series of teachings on family and parenting, Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm (omitting Feb 6th). We encourage all married couples, parents, and those in our family ministry to come! Childcare provided.
We are having a 4 week series of teachings on family and parenting, Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm (omitting Feb 6th). We encourage all married couples, parents, and those in our family ministry to come! Childcare provided.
We’re excited to have our first mission trip training for this summer! This is for everyone going on ANY of the summer mission trips (Colombia Impact Teams, Portugal Impact Teams, Portugal Base Team). Lunch will be provided!
We are having a 4 week series of teachings on family and parenting, Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm (omitting Feb 6th). We encourage all married couples, parents, and those in our family ministry to come! Childcare provided.
Join us at UCF for our monthly church-wide evangelism! We want to be faithful to share the gospel not only in the nations, but also here in our own backyard!
We are having a 4 week series of teachings on family and parenting, Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm (omitting Feb 6th). We encourage all married couples, parents, and those in our family ministry to come! Childcare provided.
601 King Street, Oviedo, FL 32765