Kids Ministry
Antioch Kids Ministry exists to provide a dynamic and fun environment where children can encounter God.
Each Sunday, your child will learn about the Bible and how it relates to Jesus in a creative and age-appropriate way. The lessons are fun and approachable and are taught by committed volunteers who love to serve Jesus by serving you and your kids. We also want to equip parents to train their children in the Gospel throughout the week. We provide weekly devotionals for parents to introduce each week’s Bible story, and memory verses for parents to practice with their younger children.
What to Expect
Our Kids Ministries are offered during Sunday Service at Oviedo High School. You can follow our blue Kids Ministry signs back to our check in desk.
At the check-in desk, fill out the iPad to sign in. Both you and your child will receive a sticker with a security code.
This code will be displayed on the front screen if your child’s classroom needs you during service.
You must keep the sticker to come back and pick up your child at the end of service for security purposes.
A volunteer will walk your child to their classroom where they will join their teachers and other children in the class.
Your child’s safety is a priority to us. Each of our committed volunteer teachers have been carefully screened and trained.
Current Sunday Classrooms
Mother’s Nursery (Birth to 6 months)
The nursery is beside the sanctuary. Here, mothers can care for their infants while still being able to hear service.
Crawlers (6 months - approx 1yr)
From 6 months until your child is walking at approximately 1 year, our “crawlers” classroom provides a fun, engaging place for children to experience the love of God! With age appropriate curriculum, children will worship, take part in fun activities, and learn about Jesus and the Bible.
Walkers (approx 1 - 2 years old)
As your child starts walking and becoming more mobile, our “walkers” classroom provides an exciting environment for them to learn about Jesus. Their experience will include an engaging curriculum appropriate for your toddler, worship, memory verses, and fun activities.
Toddlers (2 - 3 years old)
Your growing toddler will have many fun things to do in our “toddlers” classroom. Every Sunday your child will start with some time to play and explore our toys, ball pit and tumbling blocks. Then will get to worship and learn age-appropriate curriculum going through the Bible and engaging in arts and crafts.
Preschool (3 - 5 years old)
Your 3 to 5 will learn about and live out the word of God just like you do! We worship, pray, and have a Big God story while playing fun games and doing arts and crafts.
Elementary (1st through 6th grade)
Your elementary age children have their own class where they have the opportunity to encounter the love of God and get to know more of who He is! Through games and short teaching your kids will learn about Jesus and the values of the kingdom and then how to apply them to their own lives.
More Info
Baby Dedication
Dedicating your child is a great way to get knit into our community in a deeper way and be equipped with some fundamental parenting lessons.
Questions before attending? Please contact our Kids Ministry. We’d love to answer your questions and help in any way we can!
Get Involved
Are you interested in serving in our Kids Ministry? We love helping plug people into their areas of gifting through serving.